This project consists of a new build private residential and commercial development on a brownfield site in “backlands” located off the Diamond, Portstewart and includes 19 no. 3 and 4 bedroom townhouses, 5 no. 2 bedroom apartments and 1 no. retail unit. The development is a mix of 2 and 3 storeys in height and integrates with the street frontage along Coleraine Road while respecting the neighbouring properties.
The development is arranged in an inward looking courtyard to eliminate any overlooking onto the surrounding properties. There are vehicular and pedestrian links onto Strand Road and Coleraine Road leading to the town centre. It uses traditional building methods with painted render, stone and timber cladding to walls, concrete tiled roofs, UPVC windows and hardwood stained doors which contributes to a quality residential environment and sits comfortably in its setting.